Raum der Lusten
Living online laboratory about public space
"RAUM der Lusten is an open-air exhibition at the Berlin Square, a program, and a virtual (game) experience that presents an exciting alternative to the current design of public squares in cities and neighborhoods.
The open-air exhibition at the Berlin Square, as well as this online environment, consist of various 'landscapes' featuring works by renowned and young artists that together create a new urban setting, including unexpected encounters. How do you behave in this new urban environment?"
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Meet the team
- Concept, UX/UI, Technical Realisation: Thomas Lievestro (Lievestro)
- Art Direction, Design & Illustrations: Simon Burer (Kummer & Herrman)
- Illustrations: Nina Mathijsen
- Avatar Design: Annika Felder (Kummer & Herrman)
Thomas Lievestro
App/Web Designer & Developer, Experience Designer, Event Organiser and Project Manager based in Amsterdam.