2014 - 2015
Matchmaking app for people who like to play sports together
Let's Play is a matchmaking app for people who like to play sports together: it connects you with locals that have an interest in similar sports. Let's Play is a mobile help for everyone to play sports with locals. Select the sports you like, set up a location where you want to get notified. You will be notified when there's an event organized close by. Becoming an organizer yourself is easy, set up a local sport event and players within range will get notified.
About the concept
Today’s working environment is hectic and irregular, therefore finding sporting events that suit your time and place is becoming evermore difficult. Currently people are creating Facebook and Whatsapp groups to organise events, but these are harder to setup, less efficient and they rarely reach people outside of your own network. We want people to live healthier lives and enable them to meet new people. The 'Let’s Play engine' connects relevant people based on their playing area plus specific user generated parameters. It enables you to play sports together with like minded people whenever you want and wherever you are. The app is the first of its kind and excels both in technology and design.

Meet the team
- Project manager: Thomas Lievestro
- Interaction Design: Thomas Lievestro
- App Design: Thomas Lievestro
- iOS development: Thomas Lievestro & Samuel Beek
- Community Manager: Milan van den Bovenkamp
- Social Media: Rahel de Vriend
- Advisors: Victor van Doorn, Roy Bekhuis, Erik Loots, Stefan Fountain
Thomas Lievestro
App/Web Designer & Developer, Experience Designer, Event Organiser and Project Manager based in Amsterdam.