An interactive music documentary on post-traumatic stress disorder.
While the Western world has been at peace for almost 70 years, young soldiers leave for new fronts. After their tour of duty they return to a society in which they often struggle to adapt. Hidden Wounds tells the story of more than 20 of these veterans. Although their experiences differ, they are all scarred by the same hidden wounds. A sudden noise, sharp smell, bright light, busy street, even the presence of other people can trigger flashbacks to a traumatic event. Estimates vary, but it is likely that at least 20 percent of deployed soldiers display symptoms of PTSD. Hidden Wounds is not an indictment of military or humanitarian peacekeeping missions. But if we send “our boys” to the front, do we not have a duty to consider their welfare and the possible consequences?
About the concept
The documentary exists of a main clip - based on the dEUS song Hidden Wounds - and individual interviews with 23 veterans from the Netherlands, Belgium, Great Brittain and the US. By clicking on the icons below the timeline, the main video clip will smoothly fade over into their individual stories. When a personal story is finished, is will fade over in the main clip again.

Meet the team
- Concept: Arnold van Bruggen, Eefje Blankevoort, Sara Kolster & Thomas Lievestro
- Director: Tomas Kaan
- Editing: Carlijn Limburg, Marie Claire Bovet, Tess Janse & Coen Aerts @ Prospektor
- Interaction Design: Sara Kolster & Thomas Lievestro
- Design: Sara Kolster
- Technical realisation: Thomas Lievestro
- Song & lyrics: dEUS
- DOP: Daniël Bouquet, nsc
- Interviews: Arnold van Bruggen
- Editor: Maurik de Ridder
- Sounddesign: Mark Glynne
- Creative & executive producer: Arnold van Bruggen
- Research: Arnold van Bruggen, Eefje Blankevoort, Carlijn Limburg @ Prospektor.nl
- Co-research & production UK: Sally Howard
- Co-research & production USA: Jennifer King
- Title design: Sander Brouwer
- Grading: de Grot
Thomas Lievestro
App/Web Designer & Developer, Experience Designer, Event Organiser and Project Manager based in Amsterdam.